
小川の近くに幹がくっついて一本の木になっている六本のポプラの木(Yellow Poplar)を見つけました。小川から帰るとき、トレイルの入り口を探すのにこのポプラが丁度よい目印になります。
Please keep posting pics of your new home. LOVE IT!!
Can't understand a thing you write in Japanese, but the pictures are worth thousands of words!
Hi Madai,
I will keep posting pictures whenever I get a chance. It is so hard not to stroll around the woods on a beautiful day like this. As you can imagine we still have a ton of boxes in the garage... who knows when we get to work on those. Do we really need them?? :)
It was really nice to touch base with you today. I wish you a great summer and a safe trip to PA and back. We'll talk to you soon.
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