Monday, July 20, 2009


Have you seen a Normandy cow this close?

The milking starts at 6:00 am in the morning, and Daniel and I got up on time to join the crew. 

6 時きっかりにドアを出たところで、アニエスと鉢合せ。驚かせてしまったよう。「本気?じゃぁちょっと待ってて」と、トラクターの会社のロゴが入ったつなぎ の作業 着を2着と靴にかぶせるビニールカバーを持って来てくれた。昨夜私たちが牛の世話を手伝わせて欲しいと言ったのを冗談だと思っていたらしい。

We walked out the door at the same time as Agnès. She seemed to be surprised to see us such early in the morning. Perhaps she thought we were kidding when we told her we wanted to help milk the cows. Then, she let us borrow farm work jumpsuits and plastic booties.


She told us for 8 years they have been running this farm stay they had never had any guest who wanted to milk the cows until now.

The milking process is pretty much the same as in America.  


Clean and sanitize the teats of each cow thoroughly with pre-dip solution. Wipe off thoroughly. Then, when the cows are ready (let down the milk) attach the machine to each teat. After milking the teats were once again sanitized to prevent mastitis.


One after another this process continues until about fifty cows pass through. Watch out for the cows that moo and wiggle to avoid a sudden shower.

Lovely cows and hard working people! 心に残るステイとなった。

また会いにくるからね~。À Bientôt.

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